Sax trio sheet music from SAXpress includes sheet music for SAT, SAB, ATB, and flexible trios. Whenever we can, we try to include alternate parts to give you flexibility. Also, there’s a wide range of styles from Baroque to early 20th century works. Although we update the site frequently, here’s a list of the classical saxophone trio arrangements we have available for download or mail order now.
- The sax trios are sorted by historical period (Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Early 20th Century) but click on Composer, Title, or Ensemble to sort them the way you’d like
- Cick on the red icon to expand the list
- Each title is a link
- Follow the link for more about the title including music samples and audio files

Sax Trio Sheet Music
Period | Composer | Title | Ensemble |
Baroque or Early Music | Linike, Johann Georg | Trio Sonata in C | Flexible |
Classical | Beethoven, Ludwig van | Variations on 'La ci darem la mano' | SAT |
Classical | Mozart, W.A. | Divertimento in B flat, K.439, No. 2 | SAT or SAB |
Early 20th Century | Pierne, Paul | Bucolic Variee | SAT or SAB |
Romantic | Paladilhe, Emile | Danse Noble | ATB |
Romantic | Schubert, Franz | Trio in B flat, D.471 | SAT or SAB |
Baroque or Early Music | Bach, J. S. | Fantasia and Fugue in D Minor, BWV 905 | SAT or SAB |
Early 20th Century | Bantock, Granville | The Witches Frolic | Flexible |
Baroque or Early Music | Gibbons, Orlando | Fantasy in Three Parts, No. 1 | Flexible |