Bucolique Varièe


Composer: Paul Pierné
Arranger: R. Stevens
Ensemble: SAB or SAT Saxophone Trio
Format: Score 9x12, 16pp, Parts 9x12, 4pp ea.
Length: 6 -7 minutes
Difficulty: Grade 5-6 (difficult to very difficult)


SKU: 1278-3 Category: Tags: , , , ,

Bucolique Varièe (1947)

Paul Pierné (1874 – 1952)

SAB or SAT Saxophone Trio

Bucolique Varièe, Paul Pierné, SAB or SAT SaxTrio. Pierné’s pastoral Bucolique Varièe is a dreamy and sometimes wistful piece with the form of a simple theme and variations that increase in complexity with each variation. It was originally written for oboe, clarinet, and bassoon. This transcription is for soprano, alto, and baritone (or tenor) saxophones. The piece opens and closes with a statement of a simple unaccompanied melody for the bari sax, but the variations become more complex and chromatic as the piece progresses.

French composer and organist Paul Pierné was a cousin of composer and organist Gabriel Pierné. His compositional output was wide-ranging, including orchestral and chamber music, ballets, operas and other vocal music.

  • The range for each saxophone part is shown below.
  • Audio and score excerpts are available above.
  • Registered users can download a complete sample score and full length audio file of Bucolique Varièe on the ‘Samples’ tab.

Saxophone ranges for Bucolique Varièe by Paul Pierné for Sax Trio SAB or SAT.


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Paul Pierne French ComposerPaul Pierné (30 June 1874 – 24 March 1952) was a French composer and organist. Born in Metz, he was a cousin of composer and organist Gabriel Pierné. His first musical lessons were from his father Charles, himself a former student of César Franck. Pierné later studied at the Conservatoire de Paris under Georges Caussade and Charles Lenepveu. He received a mention in the 1903 Prix de Rome, and took second place in the competition in 1904.

He served as organist at St-Paul-St-Louis Church in Paris, succeeding his father in the position in 1905 until his own death in Paris 1952.

Pierné’s compositional output was wide-ranging, including two operas, several ballets, two symphonies, several orchestral tone poems, and chamber music, as well as large-form religious works, including two masses, an oratorio, and several smaller choral and organ works.

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