Magnetic Rag


Composer: Joplin, Scott
Arranger: R. Stevens
Ensemble: Sax Quartet SATB or AATB
Format: Score (8pp) and parts
Length: 5 – 5 1/2 minutes (with all repeats)
Difficulty: Grade: 3-3.5 (Moderate to Moderately Difficult)

Magnetic Rag

Scott Joplin (1867/68? -1917)

SATB Saxophone Quartet

Magnetic Rag (1914) by Scott Joplin arranged for Saxophone Quartet SATB. This was the last rag Joplin published, three years before his death in 1917. It is somewhat unique in form and in some of the musical techniques employed in the composition. The form is cyclic: that is, the opening melody is revisited at the end of the piece. Cyclic form is rare among Joplin’s rags. This piece is a product of Joplin’s “experimental” period when he attempted to fuse ragtime with elements of classical music. It doesn’t matter whether his attempts at fusing ragtime with classical music was successful – Joplin will always be remembered as the Ragtime King.

  • The range for each saxophone part is shown below.
  • Audio and score excerpts are available above.
  • Registered users can download a complete sample score and full length audio file of Magnetic Rag on the ‘Samples’ tab.

Magnetic Rag by Scott Joplin for SATB or AATB Saxophone Quartet


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