Halleluja Chorus Saxophone Quartet


from “Messiah”
Composer: Handel, G.F.
Arranger: R. Stevens
Ensemble: SATB Saxophone Quartet
Format: Score (4pp), SATB parts (2pp each)
Length: 3.5 minutes
Difficulty: Grade 3.5 – 4 (Moderate – Moderately Difficult)

Halleluja Chorus Saxophone Quartet

George Friderick Handel

SATB Saxophone Quartet

Halleluja Chorus Saxophone Quartet from Messiah by Handel arranged for SATB Saxophone Quartet. In the summer of 1741 Handel began writing the music for Messiah. In just 24 days, it was complete (August 22–September 14). It was premiered during the following season, in the spring of 1742. It has never gone out of fashion. Handel conducted Messiah many times and often altered the music to suit the needs of the singers and players he had available to him for each performance. Consequently, no single version can be regarded as the “authentic” one. In that spirit we offer this transcription for sax quartet.

This arrangement is for for SATB saxophone quartet. It has been transposed to the key of E flat (the original is in the key of D).

  • The range for each saxophone part is shown below.
  • Audio and score excerpts are available above.
  • Registered users can download a complete sample score and full length audio file of Halleluja Chorus Saxophone Quartet on the ‘Samples’ tab.

Halleluja Chorus Saxophone Quartet SATB from Handel's Messiah


A SAATB sax quintet version of Handel’s Halleluja Chorus is available here.


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