Introduction and Processional


Composer: Collin, Charles-Augustin
Arranger: R. Stevens
Ensemble: Sax Quartet AATB
Format: Score (6pp) and AATB parts
Length: 3 min. (2 movements)
Difficulty: Grade 2 – 2.5 (Easy – Moderate)

SKU: 1235-4 Category: Tags: , , , ,

Introduction and Processional (191x)

Charles-Augustin Collin (1867-1952)

AATB Saxophone Quartet

Introduction and Processional, by Collin, arranged for AATB Saxophone Quartet. Introduction and Processional are two of the hundreds of organ works by French composer and organist Charles-Augustin Collin. The Introduction , in slow 6/8 time, has the feeling of a hymn or chorale. The Processional, written in 2/4, is stately without being stuffy. It could be suitable for a graduation or even a wedding. The score includes simple directions for extending the processional to fit your event.

This arrangement is for AATB saxophone quartet. Both pieces are rhythmically simple and require little independent playing. The range for each saxophone part, shown below, is fairly narrow.

  • The range for each saxophone part is shown below.
  • Audio and score excerpts are available above.
  • Registered users can download a complete sample score and full length audio file of Introduction and Processional on the ‘Samples’ tab.

Introduction and Processional by Collin for AATB Saxophone Quartet.

About the Composer

Charles-Augustin Collin was a late 19th/early 20th century French organist and composer. He was organist of the cathedral of Notre Dame de Rennes for many years. His compositions include liturgical music for organ and choirs. He published many volumes of short pieces for the amateur organist as well. That is the source for the Introduction and Processional.


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