Creole Belles


Ragtime March and Two Step
Composer: Lampe, J. Bodewalt
Arranger: R. Stevens
Ensemble: Sax Quartet
Format: Score (4pp) and SATB parts
Length: 3 min. (all repeats)
Difficulty: Grade 2-3 (Moderately Easy – Moderate)

Creole Belles, Ragtime March

J. Bodewalt Lampe, (1869-1929)

SATB or AATB Saxophone Quartet

Creole Belles Ragtime March by Lampe, arranged for S/AATB Saxophone Quartet. This is a tuneful little rag that will have your audience tapping their toes, Creole Belles, by J. Bodewalt Lampe, features the Soprano and Alto Saxes in the first two sections then the Tenor steps in with a bouncy melody. The Bari sax plays a ragtime bass line throughout to tie the piece together. Lots of fun for everyone!

  • The range for each saxophone part is shown below.
  • Audio and score excerpts are available above.
  • Registered users can download a complete sample score and full length audio file of Creole Belles on the ‘Samples’ tab.

Creole Belles Rag by Lampe SATB or AATB Saxophone Quartet

About the Composer

Jens Bodewalt Lampe (November 8, 1869 – May 26, 1929) was a Danish-born American composer, arranger, performer and band-leader. Lampe was one of the most famous ragtime composers of the early-20th century. In 1900, a year after the success of Scott Joplin’s “Maple Leaf Rag”, Lampe published his most successful and enduring work: “Creole Belles”. It sold more than a million copies of sheet music. It was recorded by Sousa’s Band in 1902 and remains a staple of ragtime pianists to this day.


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